Joseph Williams

Joseph Williams Stories

My name is Joseph Williams. When I was 24 I left my house, my family and my business in The Netherlands, on May 1, 2008, with a backpack filled with clothing, a digital camera, a laptop, and a mobile phone. From May 2008 to July 2010 I traveled the world, visiting people who invited me over through my blogs and websites. I crossed distance with my thumb or with help of sponsors and supporters. I’ve been to different countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and Middle East. I helped some business sectors in Spain, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Korea, and Palau. I stayed for 6 months in the Philippines, to look for register company philippines. I also came to visit Japan which technologies really amaze me. And Lastly I’ve been to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is the world’s largest oil reserve. 
 In return for all support I wrote about this all in my daily reports on my websites. And I am overwhelmed with the help I’ve been sharing to them and with the experience that happened to me especially with my travel.